Xtreme Athletics

Athlete Evaluation


Welcome To The Athlete Evaluation Registration

This registration will allow you to complete athlete information, enroll to clinic participation, and submit payment. Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately. 


To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa or MasterCard information available.


If you are registering a new athlete to the Purple (intermediate) clinics, the athlete will first need to complete an evaluation with one of our clinic coaches to determine that their skill level meets the requirements for the intermediate class.  



Evaluations are completed on Mondays and Wednesdays only from 5:30-6:30 PM during one of the Purple (intermediate) clinics. There is a $20 evaluation fee which must be paid online before the time of arrival. Our staff will need to verify your receipt at the door during your checkin. Your athlete(s) will participate in the entire class so please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the class (5:30pm) to check in at the door and sign one of our evaluation and waiver forms. Have your athlete(s) dressed and ready to go. Let our staff know that you are there to complete your evaluation. 



At the end of the clinic one of our staff coaches will hand you a copy of your evaluation form with your athletes results. They will let you know the results of your evaluation and whether you can register for the Purple clinics or if you will need to register for the Blue (beginners) clinics. If your athlete qualified for the Purple clinics then make sure to keep a copy of your evaluation form as you will need to upload a picture copy of the document each month if registering for our Purple (intermediate) clinics. 



No evaluation is required for our Blue (beginners) Clinics. Our Blue clinics are designed for beginner athletes who are new to the game or need to sharpen their fundamental skills before advancing to our Purple (intermediate) clinics. Ages for these clinics can range from 8-18 depending on skill and performance. Athletes are separated by age. 


Please direct any questions regarding this registration or evaluations to: 

Xtreme Athletics

Contact  Xtreme Athletics

Contact Xtreme Athletics

Phone: 210-365-2483